Nov 20, 08:30 PM
you can only run gpu3 with nvidia 400 series cards, unless you run the command like this:
fah -gpu 0 -forcegpu nvidia_g80 -advmethods -verbosity 9 -local
try that with what you did before and see if it works!
holy crap you're a genious :) it actually started computing now i think, though it errored out right away with an 'unstable machine' error. first time its gotten that far at least. here's the log
it was trying to use core_15 earlier which was probably the issue. i wasn't forcing it with g80. i'm still not sure from those linux instructions what all we need to do on os x with the wine dll wrapper and stuff though. maybe its not actually seeing the card who knows. thanks for the help:)
looks like it might be an issue with the nvidia cuda driver and 10.6.5? http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=185332
fah -gpu 0 -forcegpu nvidia_g80 -advmethods -verbosity 9 -local
try that with what you did before and see if it works!
holy crap you're a genious :) it actually started computing now i think, though it errored out right away with an 'unstable machine' error. first time its gotten that far at least. here's the log
it was trying to use core_15 earlier which was probably the issue. i wasn't forcing it with g80. i'm still not sure from those linux instructions what all we need to do on os x with the wine dll wrapper and stuff though. maybe its not actually seeing the card who knows. thanks for the help:)
looks like it might be an issue with the nvidia cuda driver and 10.6.5? http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=185332
Jan 14, 09:46 AM
I picked up an iPad because I had to support it for a client that picked up 20 of them. The company paid for it so I didnt mind but figured I would noodle around with it enough to learn the interface and then it would collect dust. The more I used it, the more I liked it and as I worked on the project for the client to replace their notebooks for travel, I found I was mostly able to replace mine as well. Now I carry it everywhere. After my wife got ahold of it and starting playing around she wanted one too...so now I have 2 of them. Unless there is a huge speed bump with the next version I cant see myself "upgrading" immediately though, the nasal cam just holds no interest for me and it looks like the resolution is going to be the same. My guess is that like my macbook and imac I will likely be on an every 2nd or 3rd generation upgrade cycle. I do have kids wanting ipads now too though, so who knows maybe ill upgrade next time around and use the excuse of more memory (I have a 32gb now but would love to have a 64gb) and pass mine on to the kids.
Nov 26, 05:48 PM
I have an ftp upload problem. Ive had it ever since I bought my first mac, a powerbook, a year ago. I first trying using several free ftp programs (+ Transmit), but everytime i would upload a file to a folder it would just freeze immediately. so i went and bought Cute FTP Mac cause the demo rid this problem, but not entirely. It freezes immediately, but when I close connection and connect again, everything works. So now i have gotten into the habit of 'uploading, it freezing, me closing and re-opening the connection', and then it working. This is a really long and annoying way to go about things. Anybody have a clue as to what is going on?
I have an ftp upload problem. Ive had it ever since I bought my first mac, a powerbook, a year ago. I first trying using several free ftp programs (+ Transmit), but everytime i would upload a file to a folder it would just freeze immediately. so i went and bought Cute FTP Mac cause the demo rid this problem, but not entirely. It freezes immediately, but when I close connection and connect again, everything works. So now i have gotten into the habit of 'uploading, it freezing, me closing and re-opening the connection', and then it working. This is a really long and annoying way to go about things. Anybody have a clue as to what is going on?
Jan 9, 12:37 PM
i think there's been a lot of typos....but oh well
Dec 5, 11:04 PM
wow...that code is really messy, but the site looks great!
i'm not entirely sure which boxes you're talking about either. html code really isn't all that scary in fact. once you know a few basic tags and such it's pretty easy. like here's the code to make a really basic page that says "hello world" in helvetica, size 5, green, and centered. oh, and with a title.
<font face="helvetica" size="5" color="green">Hello World</font>
the <html> tag tells the browser to start an html document, the <head> tells it that there's information about the page that won't be displayed in the page, the <title> opens a tag that says what to display in the title bar, the </title> says that the title is finished. the </head> says that the info about the page is done. the <body> tells what to display, basically. the <center> tells it to center the following info, the <font> tag, along with the attributes face, size, and color, and the values helvetica, 5, and green tell it how to style the text. "Hellow World" tells it the text to display. </font> tells it that that's the end of the text styled that way. </center> stops text after that from being centered, </body> ends the main info, and </html> closes the document. in general to open a tag it goes like <tag> and to close it it's <tag> and to define attributes and values it's <tag attribute="value"> and then </tag> there are, of course, exceptions...
knowing the basics of the code and such can really help you simplify the code that golive generates, and a lot of things are easier, imo, to do by hand than in golive. link targets, for example. for the life of me i cant figure out how to get a link to open in an iframe in golive without going into the source...:rolleyes:
sorry for the long post :o
i'm not entirely sure which boxes you're talking about either. html code really isn't all that scary in fact. once you know a few basic tags and such it's pretty easy. like here's the code to make a really basic page that says "hello world" in helvetica, size 5, green, and centered. oh, and with a title.
<font face="helvetica" size="5" color="green">Hello World</font>
the <html> tag tells the browser to start an html document, the <head> tells it that there's information about the page that won't be displayed in the page, the <title> opens a tag that says what to display in the title bar, the </title> says that the title is finished. the </head> says that the info about the page is done. the <body> tells what to display, basically. the <center> tells it to center the following info, the <font> tag, along with the attributes face, size, and color, and the values helvetica, 5, and green tell it how to style the text. "Hellow World" tells it the text to display. </font> tells it that that's the end of the text styled that way. </center> stops text after that from being centered, </body> ends the main info, and </html> closes the document. in general to open a tag it goes like <tag> and to close it it's <tag> and to define attributes and values it's <tag attribute="value"> and then </tag> there are, of course, exceptions...
knowing the basics of the code and such can really help you simplify the code that golive generates, and a lot of things are easier, imo, to do by hand than in golive. link targets, for example. for the life of me i cant figure out how to get a link to open in an iframe in golive without going into the source...:rolleyes:
sorry for the long post :o
Mar 21, 05:01 AM
What about this one (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002B3E5U/ref=cm_mp_wli_/026-4247034-3749250) from Amazon.co.uk ? - no audio but only about �30.
Oct 15, 02:49 PM
she's just living her life...outside of MR... ;)
right now she's in Atlanta getting a dog :D
right now she's in Atlanta getting a dog :D
Dec 9, 11:00 AM
I second the heater function. The only problem I have is it takes some time to warm up. Yeah...that's in the room I SLEEP in.
101.5 degrees F is nothing...My last p4 idled at around 127 degrees :p
101.5 degrees F is nothing...My last p4 idled at around 127 degrees :p
Doctor Q
Apr 25, 05:15 PM
Is this why we have a ratings system now?
Skynet took over MacRumors!!:eek:
No, but Skynet did take over Apple. See proof (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/researchers-disclose-iphone-and-ipad-location-tracking-privacy-issues/).
I always wondered if Arn let you guys keep all the Spam you delete. :)
We print out all spam posts and keep them in notebooks so arn can review them during our bi-centurial performance evaluations.
Skynet took over MacRumors!!:eek:
No, but Skynet did take over Apple. See proof (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/researchers-disclose-iphone-and-ipad-location-tracking-privacy-issues/).
I always wondered if Arn let you guys keep all the Spam you delete. :)
We print out all spam posts and keep them in notebooks so arn can review them during our bi-centurial performance evaluations.
Bendy Walker
May 2, 06:37 PM
I can also confirm this problem. I hope it's just a bug, and not an intentional change D:
Apr 28, 10:19 PM
I myself don't add contacts through the contacts app, as I normally key in the number in the dialer then hit the "+" button to create a contact :/
I think I found it! :D I don't have a number to test it with though lol. In your mail/contacts/calendar settings, there is a setting under Contacts called Default Account. Selectable are the default On My iPhone and my Gmail (don't sync contacts with my work account). Try switching to the exchange account and get someone to call you from a new number and try adding it.
I myself don't add contacts through the contacts app, as I normally key in the number in the dialer then hit the "+" button to create a contact :/
I think I found it! :D I don't have a number to test it with though lol. In your mail/contacts/calendar settings, there is a setting under Contacts called Default Account. Selectable are the default On My iPhone and my Gmail (don't sync contacts with my work account). Try switching to the exchange account and get someone to call you from a new number and try adding it.
May 4, 12:19 AM
read that too. but i think i have found something more at the developers page now.
On that page, click on the links for �Security Architecture� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Architecture/Architecture.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH202-TPXREF101), �Security Concepts� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Concepts/Concepts.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH203-TPXREF101) and �Security Services� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Security_Services/Security_Services.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH204-CHDDJIDG), as well as the
�Glossary� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Glossary/Glossary.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH206-CHDDCGFE) and other links.
On that page, click on the links for �Security Architecture� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Architecture/Architecture.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH202-TPXREF101), �Security Concepts� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Concepts/Concepts.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH203-TPXREF101) and �Security Services� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Security_Services/Security_Services.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH204-CHDDJIDG), as well as the
�Glossary� (http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/Security_Overview/Glossary/Glossary.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000976-CH206-CHDDCGFE) and other links.
Apr 6, 06:11 PM
Aye we'll need to see at least the PHP script, the HTML you posted seems fine.
Nov 27, 03:08 PM
What kind of connection are you on? (cable, dsl, lan, dial-up)
Who is your ISP?
Who is your ISP?
Apr 22, 07:48 AM
So I skype a lot with my friends and stuff (video chat).
My MBA 13" with 4gb ram gets really loud...
Any other programs out there that will make the MBA run quietly?
My MBA 13" with 4gb ram gets really loud...
Any other programs out there that will make the MBA run quietly?
Mar 21, 03:37 AM
Hi, thanks for the responses.about the canon lenses: I use Nikon so my lenses are all black.
I'm not so sure I'd want to insulate my black lenses. An Inland Marine insurance policy is probably a much better deal.
I'm not so sure I'd want to insulate my black lenses. An Inland Marine insurance policy is probably a much better deal.
May 6, 11:34 AM
How to Move the Home Folder in OS X (http://chris.pirillo.com/how-to-move-the-home-folder-in-os-x-and-why/)
Apr 26, 10:27 PM
Two notes for you:
1) Why have you not told us what your device is? At least the class of device? This could at least get us to the point of knowing if we should expect the OS to have a generic HID divice driver for this class of device. If there is no generic class driver, then: yes, absolutely you will need to create a device driver (and no, it is not going to be easy).
Unless you ask good questions, you should expect nothing but bad answers.
2) This is not the sort of forum where you should expect to find people who can write drivers. This is a user-level forum. If you need help writing device drivers, then your best bet (short of paying someone who knows how to write device drivers on the Mac) is going to be on Apple's Darwin-drivers list (http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/darwin-drivers).
1) Why have you not told us what your device is? At least the class of device? This could at least get us to the point of knowing if we should expect the OS to have a generic HID divice driver for this class of device. If there is no generic class driver, then: yes, absolutely you will need to create a device driver (and no, it is not going to be easy).
Unless you ask good questions, you should expect nothing but bad answers.
2) This is not the sort of forum where you should expect to find people who can write drivers. This is a user-level forum. If you need help writing device drivers, then your best bet (short of paying someone who knows how to write device drivers on the Mac) is going to be on Apple's Darwin-drivers list (http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/darwin-drivers).
Jun 16, 05:02 PM
OK, someone recognized the abbreviations and proved that the graph is accurate (provided the context I noted was absent). ...
Arguing that the graph cannot be parabolic based on it being hand-drawn is a moot point. Thanks to KingHuds for the explanation.A screed based on fallacious assumptions. We are not all constrained by the limits of your mathematical knowledge. Nowhere on the graph is there an x. Neither is there a y. It was clear that those three regimes of \eta were important.
Arguing that the graph cannot be parabolic based on it being hand-drawn is a moot point. Thanks to KingHuds for the explanation.A screed based on fallacious assumptions. We are not all constrained by the limits of your mathematical knowledge. Nowhere on the graph is there an x. Neither is there a y. It was clear that those three regimes of \eta were important.
Oct 18, 08:25 AM
Very nicely done indeed :)
(and I had no probs with the loading speed)
(and I had no probs with the loading speed)
Doctor Q
Apr 20, 03:26 PM
YouTube: video (http://youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0)
If you quote a post with a video it will automatically change to a link.
If you quote a post with a video it will automatically change to a link.
May 4, 10:50 PM
FYI, unless you're planning on doing heavy-duty gaming (Halo, Quake 4, Doom 3 or the like), I'd stick to a passively-cooled graphics card; the fan noise will be pretty obnoxious, especially if you get an ATI 9800.
Also, think carefully about using that machine as a daily computer--they idleat well over 100W; leaving one of those on regularly will noticeably increase your power bill (unless you have free utilities :) ) Be aware that things like Netflix streamiing will never work on a PowerPC Mac.
With all that said, I'm glad you're enjoying your "new" toy! I loved my dual G5, and if it were still practical to have it, I would :cool:
Also, think carefully about using that machine as a daily computer--they idleat well over 100W; leaving one of those on regularly will noticeably increase your power bill (unless you have free utilities :) ) Be aware that things like Netflix streamiing will never work on a PowerPC Mac.
With all that said, I'm glad you're enjoying your "new" toy! I loved my dual G5, and if it were still practical to have it, I would :cool:
Mar 22, 12:26 PM
Like I said before, I use tiny umbrella instead of editing my host files, so I don't know what it's supposed to look like.
Tried it with Greenpois0n and it failed so I tried it with Redsnow and it worked. It's tethered, but thats no big deal as I rarely ever turn it off. But now what do I do with the host file? I deleted what I added and now it looks like this. Is this correct?
Tried it with Greenpois0n and it failed so I tried it with Redsnow and it worked. It's tethered, but thats no big deal as I rarely ever turn it off. But now what do I do with the host file? I deleted what I added and now it looks like this. Is this correct?
Mar 28, 10:05 PM
Wasn't this the map that was available for download ever since the game came out?
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